Telescopes and telescope accessories are as varied and dynamic as the night sky, and trying to pinpoint the perfect equipment can easily make you lose focus. At you'll find the widest selection, best information, and lowest prices in the galaxy. Whether you're a novice getting ready to take your first foray into astronomy or an experienced observer searching for a professional-grade scope, our selection of over 1,000 products will meet your needs and budget.
Meade, Celestron, and Zhumell are but a few of the high quality, name-brand telescopes and telescope eyepieces you'll find on our site. We've divided our store into sections for beginners, enthusiasts, and experts, as well as by telescope type. Search our telescopes by optics - reflecting, refracting, catadioptric, Dobsonian - or by features such as GoTo, GPS, or mount type. If you aren't yet sure what you're looking for, set your sights on our News & Guides section. There, you'll find helpful information and tips so you can select, set up, and get the most out of a new scope. is proud to offer a uniquely easy and fun shopping experience. You'll find fast, low-cost shipping on all of our products, information and accessories no further than a click away, and a helpful team of experts to answer all your questions. So whether you use the resources on our site or call our team at 1-800-303-5873, you will find the telescope you've been dreaming of. But hurry - the view is never the same twice!